ARCANUS is a customized payload generator/handler for penetration testing only
- İn pen.test world Metasploit is the mainstream for this job, but ARCANUS has few advantages.
- ARCANUS generates a unique payload for windows and linux systems that can’t be detected with any antivirus programs. (Don’t give any samples to Virus Total or similar web sites to keep it that way ;D )
- It has extra modules for exploitation. Ordinary reverse shell payloads offers only remote access to command prompts but ARCANUS has few special commands like ” £persistence, £download, £upload, £meterpreter…”
- It is silent and continuous. Metasploit payloads attempts to connect remote host just for ones but when you execute ARCANUS payloads they makes connection attemps every 5 second silently in background.
- It is flexible. If you want to use it with Metasploit it has a meterpreter module for executeing meterpreter shellcodes on remote machine.
- Platform independent ! ARCANUS works both on windows and linux.
Open your kali Linux terminal and type the following command
Open terminal and type ./ARCANUS and press enter to continue
Now it will ask you for your choice press 2 now a pop up will open click on enter
Now Enter IP addresses of your kali Linux pc. And press enter. In next step it will ask for port no. Enter the port no. Such as 4444 and press enter
Now it will save a file with name payload.exe now send your exe files to victim using any social engineering technique.
Go to
Click the “Choose File” button. Navigate to and double-click the payload.exe. Appears in the “Choose File” box, as shown below:
Now when the victim opens payload.exe you can access of windows command prompt. Now run SystemInfo in prompt, will tell you all you need to know about your computer system
When we need to retrieve a file from the target we use the download command
£download “Filename” /root/Your Path
For More Command visit here
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